10.98 M
projects & contracts*
*data from the last 5 years
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  • Planas, M. (2022) Ecological Traits and Trophic Plasticity in The Greater Pipefish Syngnathus acus in the NW Iberian Peninsula Biology DOI:10.3390/biology11050712
  • Knutsen, J.A.; Kleiven, A.R.; Olsen, E.M.; Knutsen, H.; Espeland, S.H.; Sørdalen, T.K.; Thorbjørnsen, S.H.; Hutchings, J.A.; Fernández-Chacón, A.; Huserbråten, M.; Villegas-Ríos, D.; Halvorsen, K.T.; Nillos Kleiven, P.J.; Langeland, T.K.; Moland, E. (2022) Lobster reserves as a management tool in coastal waters: Two decades of experience in Norway Marine Policy DOI:10.1016/j.marpol.2021.104908
  • Villegas-Ríos, D.; Jacoby, D.M.P.; Mourier, J. (2022) Social networks and the conservation of fish Communications Biology DOI:10.1038/s42003-022-03138-w
  • Hernández-Urcera, J.; Carneiro, M.D.D.; Planas, M. (2022) Turnover Rates and Diet–Tissue Discrimination Factors of Nitrogen and Carbon Stable Isotopes in Seahorse Hippocampus reidi Juveniles Following a Laboratory Diet Shift Animals DOI:10.3390/ani12101232
  • González García, L.; Pierce, G.J.; Autret, E.; Torres-Palenzuela, J.M. (2022) Alongside but separate: Sympatric baleen whales choose different habitat conditions in São Miguel, Azores Deep-Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers DOI:10.1016/j.dsr.2022.103766
  • PhD - Mario Davi Dias Carneiro (11/02/2022) Influência do pH na produção do peixe-palhaço (Amphiprion percula) e do cavalo-marinho (Hippocampus reidi) em sistemas de recirculação com baixa salinidade Universidade Federal de Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN)
  • PhD - Cristina García Fernández (21/12/2021) Ecology of recruitment in European hake: interaction between maternal effects, environment and fisheries Universidad de Vigo (UVigo)
  • TFM - Abdelhakim Belaidi (30/09/2021) Análisis de la interacción entre los parámetros de la historia vital de S. mentella, medio ambiente y pesquerías en el área de Flemish Cap. UNIVERSIDAD DE ALICANTE
  • PhD - Carlos Mesquita (03/08/2020) Development of methods to inform fisheries assessment and managementof a data-limited species, brown crab (Cancer pagurus) in Scotland University of Aberdeen
  • TFM - Miguel Álvarez González (09/07/2020) Análisis de ADN ambiental (eDNA) y su aplicación para la monitorización de cetáceos en el Atlántico norte Universidade de Vigo (UVIGO)
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  • Software | GOVOCITOS

    Govocitos is a free image analysis software that allows for easy and accurate determination of reproductive parameters in fish based on histological images. Although designed to estimate fish fertility, its applications are expandable to other counting, measurement and classification problems (i.e. pollen count, oncology and cytology, etc.).

    More information here.

  • Industrial Secret | Industrial production protocol for seahorses (Hippocampus reidi)

    Authors: Miquel Planas Oliver; Alexandre Chamorro Valverde

    Description: Development of integrated culture procedures for the industrial production of seahorses of the species Hippocampus reidi.

